Thursday 5 December 2013

Word circles

Word circles is a concept, a way of coming up with ideas for essays.

First we need to decide on a subject, and write down words related to that subject, lots of words, uninterrupted, uncensored. After about 5-6 minutes of this process, stop and read them all, pick the best and put them in a circle. Start developing those ideas in a brainstorming manner. Similar to mindmaps.

My idea: Immersion in video Games.

IMMERSION in video games and its effect in real life

  • let loose
  • alter ego
  • alternative life
  • experimentation
  • pushing boundaries
  • utopia
  • scenario
  • social networking
  • heaven
  • wonderland
  • dreamworld
  • action
  • angle
  • social experiments
  • effect
  • real life
  • ideal situation
  • character
  • after effect
  • repercussion
  • consequence
  • outcome
  • issue
  • ramification
  • can of worms


Get a few related words and make questions with them:

  1. How can letting loose in video games create an alter ego in reality
  2. When does experimentation in video games start pushing boundaries in reality
  3. Does playing a utopian scenario make the player live an alternative life?
  4. Can "opening a can of worms" in an abstract environment, have real life consequences

Find some answers for these questions

  1. When playing video games and using a completely different personality from the real life one, a player can have "mutations" in his/her own behaviour after the game is over.
  2. Everything (or more or less everything) is possible in video games and more or less everything is aloud, that is the place for someone to try and push boundaries with no real consequences. Can this behaviour have an effect in real life, can this push someone to the point of doing the same thing in day to day life? (see GTA V)
  3. If a well built video game provides a very immersive utopian environment/reality, will the player be drawn in, to the extent of not being able to let go, not being able to distinguish between virtual and real life? Will  

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